Fast Backwards: in my Blog, “Smoking Guns, I indicated the possibility that Speaker Ryan could become President, a very unlikely scenario. And, in my Blog, “Religionist Deep in The Waters”, the assumption that Kavanaugh will be confirmed is for sure.
So now, the landscape has changed overnight.
Many pundits believe he is toast. Even if Professor Christine Blasely Ford presents a believable case, it kind of doesn’t matter.
If he doesn’t withdraw, every Republican senator will be at risk if they will vote for him. So, how will it play out:
Option 1 – Trump could withdraw the nomination. But, many pundits believe he will never admit defeat, thus forcing a Senate vote in which they are more likely to lose control of the Senate.
Option 2 – Assume President Trump doesn’t rescind Kavanaugh’s nomination and assumes Kavanaugh doesn’t want to withdraw on his own, then the Senate is forced to vote, and they will not want to do so.
Option 3 – The powers that forced his nomination (Religionists and Republicans) are going to have a “come to Jesus talk” and get him out the best way they can.
Kavanaugh is a major liability no matter which way things turn. The betting odds for Speaker Ryan becoming president were 1 in 10 million (LOL); the new betting line might be 1 in 10 thousand.
“God acts in strange ways”, he even protects us from the religionists.
I feel he should withdraw his nomination, out of respect for the position- Supreme Court Judge. He should know a cloud will be over the court if he continues. These women are being treated terribly.
“protect us from religious zealots”…….if that is not the ever loving truth.!!
Major liability. This entire situation place another bad mark for USA. I find that this hearing exposes so many issues. I am a woman who has been in Mrs. Ford situation as a young lady, and I am in my late 50s and have only recently talked about my situation after one of his family members mentioned his name in passing and so many emotions came flooding in I feel for both their families, no fathers wants to have to explain to wife or children the choose they have in past . Butt, this has made me only what to keep this secret more. So imagine the message we just delivered to every young girl in US. We showed we will allow a person with anger, drinking and tendency to not value others and not be completely truthful about who he is to sit in one of the highest seat in USA to make decisions for the USA and past judgement on others. Or what are we telling our young men, that it’s okay to behave badly “ No judgement “. Being a Republican or Democratic should not be the question or purpose. Nor should it be their is no one willing or to validate if a situation occurred. It should be the Character of the person and who is unbiased and make the best decisions to move the USA forward. Based on his known behavior and demeanor demonstrated By Mystic Avenue and his hearing and questioning and behavior past practice . He should withdraw in name
Kavanaugh’s calender. As a mother I kept calendars of my children’s scheduled events posted on the refrigerator. If they attended, if for some reason it was cancelled. Keeping a calendar is not unusual.
My question is: Does his calendar show if he was able to attend?
My other question is when he attended his events, did all the children stay the whole time at the event?
Was there opportunity for any of the children to sneak out?
Above All, how well was the calendar maintained in its recordings?
Whose handwriting is on the calendar?
Judge Kavanaugh is a judge. Did he rule on cases like this without investigation throughout his career?
For sake of peace in this country, withdraw Kavanaugh, this is not the best this country has to offer, LOCK HIM UP RIGHT NEXT TO COSBY