After having some rich experiences in the mystical world, I had challenges that lead me to what I call, my “spiritual quest”. I noticed that when I was on a right path, whereby I studied, meditated, tried self-hypnosis, and mastermind techniques (I’ll write a separate blog for this), that good things were happening. Likewise, when I became overly self-assured and cocky, doors would slam shut in my world.
As I started to regain my guidance from within and was able to crawl out of a deep financial hole, I signed up for a spiritual seminar associated with my church. Surprise! It ended up being a shared event with other like-minded organizations, and that was where I was introduced to IONS (Institute Of Noetic Science). It was at this conference that I was able to visit with the brother of His Holiness, The Dahli Lama; a story for another time.
IONS has done a marvelous job of not only studying paranormal activity from a scientific view but also becoming a leader in the search for the continuum of Spirit & Matter.
IONS was founded by Astronaut Edgar Mitchell whom I was fortunate to visit with many times. We would ask him how he came to form the organization, and he would say something like “I was returning to Earth after walking on the moon, and I had nothing to do,” (yeah, sure!), but en route to Earth he had an epiphany as he viewed the sun, the earth, and the moon from his spot in space. And this scientist was able to see and feel that there was much more than what meets the eye. He was an early-bird in his acceptance of the paranormal.
Edgar had become close friends with Uri Geller, the famous magician, and mystic. He said that one day after being with Uri that he was walking into his closet and suddenly some lost family jewels fell from mid-air. I believe the phenomena is referred to as, “apporting.” The astronaut had left a camera on the moon, so he and Uri were working to dematerialize it and bring it back to earth. It’s still not here, as far as we know.
I was reminded of my “Psychic Signature” story and another incident from my family friend, Bunny, who related that she had a cherished family item stolen. Then, years later and thousands of miles away, she walked into a re-sale gift store and low and behold the family item had resurfaced, and she was able to purchase it.
Edgar was raised in Roswell, New Mexico. In 1947, an alien spacecraft had crashed in Roswell. I asked Edgar if it really happened. He said that he knew the ambulance driver who was part of the team that took the remains to an unknown place. Edgar was certain that UFO’s are real. He said the government has all the evidence but won’t release it; and, he spent years petitioning the authorities to do so.
So, the psychic signature thing works both ways. I had years whereby I couldn’t sell anything to raise funds. I sometimes refer to it as ” I couldn’t sell a $10 bill for a dollar.” Then there were times when I couldn’t sell a property yet shortly after that was paid five times what I had been asking. So, the universe can act in strange ways.
And, it is a gift, to be used but not abused.
Rich Meyer, Blogger & Author.