Smoking Guns: Could Speaker Paul Ryan Be Our Next President?

In 1972 & ‘73, Republicans held firm in blocking any impeachment proceeding against Nixon. Why? the fear of losing power. When the “smoking guns” of the Watergate tapes and the Ellsberg trial came out, the resistance quickly fell by the way-side. Why? To salvage what power they could before the certain collapse of the administration.

Fast forward to today. August 21, 2018.

Speaker Paul Ryan has not allowed motions of impeachment to be voted on even though he has no love for the president. But, things now are changed just like in 1974. It previously took two years to get the momentum, then, things changed rapidly. If Ryan doesn’t allow the vote, every Republican House member is in jeopardy; each candidate will have to answer the question, “why didn’t you demand a vote?”

If he allows the vote, a simple majority is all that’s needed to start the impeachment process. But what about V.P Pence? Many people believe that he is also guilty since he had full knowledge of the crimes committed, was complicit, and failed to act.

Is there a reason why the Republican powers may want to accelerate the process and include the Vice President? And guess who would be the president? The Speaker of the House! Paul Ryan … or could it be Nancy Pelosi?

Ryan is retiring from office at the end of this year. If both the president and the V.P. quit or were removed from office prior to January 1, then, Ryan would be the president. The clock is ticking.

The smoke-filled room has many flavors. Stranger things have happened and are happening.