Meghan Markle is a millennial changing the world. Duchess Meghan has the “Millennial gene” that so many of our Millennials and Z-generation hold. The only debate is whether she’s a true Millennial; some folks say the cutoff is 1980, other say 1984. So what, she’s got the gene! No doubt, her marriage into the royal family has already changed the world. And she will continue to do so in her new role on the world stage.
In fact, she’s made change and stirred views since the age of 11. Meghan wrote to a soap company questioning their sexist approach of advertising dishwashing as a woman’s job. The company changed the ad.
Later she earned a double major in theatre and international studies in 2003. She has the grit that I admire and have been inspired by. She spent 9 years auditioning for small parts and at the same time was active in international charity work, working on gender equality, current slavery, women’s issues, drilling water wells in Africa, interning at a U.S. Embassy, and more. After those nine years, her star began to rise in 2011 as she landed a role in a TV series that lasted until 2017. With her new task at hand, she will be changing the world as if on steroids.
The Millennial gene should be studied further. It’s a wonder there isn’t a catalog of the changes and the determination of such a revolutionary generation. The Millennial gene is what will bring our nation to better choices and living. This Millennial even reached all the way to British Royalty.
Rich Meyer, Blogger & Author.