Voters’ frustration with the broken system in Washington led to a vote for change at any price. What will the effect be?

My guess is:

1- major tax cuts similar to 2002/3, the wealthy will get 90% of it. The masses will have to divide the remaining 10%

2- elimination of a national healthcare philosophy.

3- elimination of regulations of banks.

4- a very conservative Supreme Court which will last for a decade or more. Women’s rights will be greatly diminished

5- international trade will decline, thus, our cost of items will increase.

6- wages will continue to stagnate while costs will increase.

This is the second time in 85 years that the republicans controlled the House, Senate, and Presidency at the same time.

Both times ended in crisis. Fasten your seatbelt!

R. J. Meyer – Author of NautiGurl, a novel about sex, politics, and religion to be released soon.