The minimum wage issue by both candidates is simply window dressing… Each trying to appease the masses. Plus, neither plan will get through the congress unless the Dems win the Senate and the Presidency.
In my book, NautiGurl, to be released in October, which I dedicated to Millennials, I point out the severity of our economic problem. The money people have obtained a profit of close to 200 % over the last 7 years while the average working person has lost ground because of increased need for education along with interest rates on credit cards and student loans that will make slaves of 90% of the lower income folks.
We can learn from the 1930s. The Gov’t paid farmers not to grow food. Why? Food prices were very low because of an oversupply. By reducing the supply, prices returned to a profitable level. Today we have an oversupply of workers. If we do what was done in the 30s, we might be able to restore wages to a profitable level.