A Story of One of Two Heroines
The Post is a wonderful dramatization of the repeat performance of our so-called-President. The underlying story in
Real Men Don’t Cry
Real men don’t cry; unless they watched “March For Our Lives,” the televised march of students protesting against school
The Greatest Poker Hand Ever Played
Today we are witnessing a return to isolationism which is alarming, but not without precedent. In mid-1939, Britain had escaped total
Darkest Hour
Darkest Hour is a great movie and a compliment to the recent film Dunkirk. The setting was London in 1939.
The MillennialZ Have Arrived
The MillennialZ Have Arrived
While the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL occurred a
Don’t Be Fooled, Resistance Is Key
Resistance is Key
My goal has been to provide a bipartisan approach for our readers. However, over a period, Trump has disqualified
Football…Divide and Conquer!
No, it’s not about dividing and conquering one football team against the other.
It’s about dividing and conquering a Nation.
The so-called-president has
Third Party?
Do we need a Third Party? Not today, but soon. Many of us recognize the need for a third party. But
Is an economic meltdown coming? And is that good or bad?
Over the last 85 years, republicans controlled the three branches of
Infrastructure… If We Build It, They Will Come!
If we build it, they will come… How true this was in the 50s!
We had incremental tax rates of 90%+ for