
Healthcare Showdown: France

Guest Post

The World Health Organization released a Healthcare Performance document in 2000 detailing a methodology by which to compare Healthcare Quality across 191 different countries using similar metrics to give a comprehensive outline of which countries healthcare was the most efficient, highest quality, and least uncertain for patients.

According to the WHO,

2021-04-11T23:05:01+00:00June 9th, 2020|

Losing Faith in Government

Losing Faith in Government?

I had the fortune to view the live presentation today of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on CNN (3/29/20).

Being a political junkie, I was humbled by the EXCELLENCE of the hour long status report of the virus.

Cuomo was able to provide extensive detail of the situation at hand, what he and NY

2020-03-30T21:50:51+00:00March 30th, 2020|

Challenges in a Virus World

Over the years, I’ve had difficult challenges – Losing my wife, foreclosure on my home, almost no cash, business failing, etc.

As you might expect, I felt lost and didn’t know which way to turn or where to find a starting point.

With time, I started with GRATITUDE
I’m grateful for water, much of the world has a

2020-03-28T03:47:48+00:00March 28th, 2020|

The Prayer Breakfast

Some people of the church were highly offended by Trumps performance of making the prayer breakfast into a partisan political event. But few expressed outrage.

On the surface, it may appear that Trump destroyed the sanctity of what appeared to be a benign and all-inclusive tradition.

My Friends might wonder if I have abandoned my original teaching

2020-03-12T18:03:34+00:00March 12th, 2020|

US & Saudis Joined At The Hip – Part 2

In the late 90s, George Bush 43 was running for president, but he had a few problems; one was that an oil company he mismanaged was headed toward bankruptcy. Low and behold, the Saudis bought the company and provided a profit to the investors.

Then comes the War on Terror with 9/11 – 90+% of the

2019-09-28T11:23:45+00:00September 28th, 2019|
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