
A Movie Review: A Star is Born

I loved this movie!

The storyline reached reality, and it captured beautiful love scenes along with the horrors of addiction. By showing the tip of the iceberg of alcohol and drug addiction, it saved the movie.  Had they shown the reality in its fullest, it would have overpowered the sensuality of

2018-11-13T21:25:16+00:00October 29th, 2018|

Government Control: When Democracy is On Trial

Democracy is on trial. The majority of the voters are not Republicans. But, the Republicans currently have TOTAL government control. The House, the Senate, the President, and the Supreme Court. If the Independents and progressives are not able to unite in the voting booth and win control of the House, it’s likely that

2018-11-13T21:28:22+00:00October 27th, 2018|

Medical Insurance Insecurity & Increase: Part I

What Happened

In the 60s, medical insurance was a FRINGE benefit, today, it’s a CORE benefit. As a single person in the 60s, the last thing on my list was medical insurance because it represented less than 2% of my overall compensation.

For two years in 1971/2, I was working in the insurance

2019-03-29T17:13:15+00:00October 15th, 2018|

Religionists Deep in The Waters


On the surface, people thought the 2016 election was a battle between Republican philosophy and 80-year-old goals of the Democratic party.

But below the surface, the election was really about the Supreme Court. While the headlines dealt with abortion, the right to choose, killing unborn babies, wasn’t it really

2018-09-17T19:55:29+00:00September 14th, 2018|

Smoking Guns

Smoking Guns: Could Speaker Paul Ryan Be Our Next President?

In 1972 & ‘73, Republicans held firm in blocking any impeachment proceeding against Nixon. Why? the fear of losing power. When the “smoking guns” of the Watergate tapes and the Ellsberg trial came out, the resistance quickly fell by the way-side. Why? To salvage

2018-08-23T20:03:09+00:00August 23rd, 2018|
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