
Generation Z: The Information Generation

It is certainly a special time to be entering the world. With so many advancements unfolding, new technologies, blossoming new industries, new problems demanding the best amongst us to rise to the challenge, we are constantly being presented with new material to weave the fabric of our reality with. Generation Z is inheriting a world

2021-04-11T23:05:55+00:00March 27th, 2020|

Winning the Youth Vote

Turns Out, Young People Don’t Care about Politics.

They care about change.

I had the opportunity to sit down with a local high school senior and talk politics today and the results were both expected and unexpected at the same time. Here’s what I gathered from a few hours of casual talk over coffee with a 17

2020-03-04T20:37:35+00:00February 24th, 2020|

Adventures With Depression

I’ve had a few adventures with depression.

My campaign running for U.S. Congress in 2004 ended in defeat. After a 12-month full time effort, I was physically exhausted. Even though I believed that second place in an election very well might have been better than first place in our dysfunctional political world.

Over the years, I have

2019-10-09T16:12:35+00:00October 9th, 2019|

Dear Greta

Dear Greta,

You ain’t seen nothing yet. Thank you for saying that the established generations were not bad people; no, we’re just dumb and infected with greed.

We think that we will live forever – if we have enough.
We think that we can hire people to service all our needs, even if no workers exist.

2019-10-07T16:08:31+00:00October 7th, 2019|

Water, Water Everywhere

It was about 1970 that I recall Secretary of Agriculture Butz saying that water would become the limiting factor of our future. Many of us thought it was a ridiculous statement. The US is not the only country that has perfected the concept of “kicking the can down the road.”

2019-09-13T02:54:34+00:00September 10th, 2019|

Corporate Leaders & CEOs See New Duty

Once upon a time, Corporate Leaders maintained an attitude of ‘Integrity First’ believing that honesty, quality products, and good service generated a decent profit.

Then, a major shift occurred.

Shareholders and corporate folks decided that the primary goal of corporations is to generate profits for the shareholders; this was based on the teaching of economist Milton Friedman;

2019-09-04T17:06:26+00:00September 4th, 2019|
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