
Challenges in a Virus World

Over the years, I’ve had difficult challenges – Losing my wife, foreclosure on my home, almost no cash, business failing, etc.

As you might expect, I felt lost and didn’t know which way to turn or where to find a starting point.

With time, I started with GRATITUDE
I’m grateful for water, much of the world has a

2020-03-28T03:47:48+00:00March 28th, 2020|

My Meditation: My Temple in the Sky

I’ve meditated for over 40 years. I’ve read a variety of spiritual books, all of which indicated the necessity of doing so if we want to grow. Many of them would suggest a starting point: allocate 20 minutes, sit, and quiet your mind and eventually, your mind chatter would slow down.

I made one very useful

2019-04-18T14:51:56+00:00April 18th, 2019|

Adventures in Gratitude

I recall a friend giving a blessing before dinner, “ bless this food, bless the farmer who grew it, bless our host who prepared it,” and more.

The vision I created was that one farmer grew the basket of food and somehow it was shipped to our table. I started to expand

2019-11-26T00:23:24+00:00June 1st, 2018|
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