Challenges in a Virus World
Over the years, I've had difficult challenges - Losing my wife, foreclosure on my home, almost no cash, business failing, etc. As you might expect, I felt lost and didn't know which way to turn or where to find a starting point. With time, I started with GRATITUDE I'm grateful
PROTOCOL – An Ancient Relic?
Protocol. What is it? The best way to explain it is to provide a wonderful example. In the late 1930s, FDR called General George C. Marshall, his Chief of Staff, into the White House. As I remember, FDR started the conversation with "George...", an informal tact. Marshall cut off the
The Prayer Breakfast
Some people of the church were highly offended by Trumps performance of making the prayer breakfast into a partisan political event. But few expressed outrage.On the surface, it may appear that Trump destroyed the sanctity of what appeared to be a benign and all-inclusive tradition.My Friends might wonder if I
Mid-South Peace and Justice Center
All over the country there are wonderful organizations dedicating time, money, and resources fighting for the common good. We are thankful for our fellow Americans and their resolve not to let the downtrodden go by the way-side. It is thanks to these such organizations that many Americans are able to