Greed Is Good??
How did hatred become so embedded in the political campaigns? In the 1970's, Governor Reagan advanced the idea that "taxes should hurt." The idea, I believe, was that if an individual can notice or feel the pain, he/she will become more knowledgeable. The idea caught on and evolved into
What Went Wrong Democrats?
What went wrong for the Democrats? Were Bernie and the Millennials the cause? Was it that the millennials failed to vote? Or was it: Hillary? The media? Blacks? Hispanics? Low voter turn-out? 3rd party candidates? Uneducated voters? Idealism? Well, all of the above! Hillary is/was a policy wonk, not a salesperson.
Idealism Can Be Painful… And Expensive
In the 2000 election Gore vs Bush, idealism reared its head, and the idealists insisted on proving their point. The plea to Ralph Nader and his small constituency went unheeded, and the result was an unnecessary war estimated to have cost us $ 6 trillion and many lives. Most
Progressives May Be Getting a Perk from Trump
During the campaign, Trump said he would trash Obamacare. Then, in his meeting with Obama, he said that he liked certain provisions of it and agreed to entertain Obama's request that two provisions be retained--parents could keep the kids on their policy to age 26, and the current requirement