A Story of One of Two Heroines
The Post is a wonderful dramatization of the repeat performance of our so-called-President. The underlying story in The Post was the Vietnam War and the Pentagon Papers. It’s a must-see for the MillennialZ, who generally might have only heard of Watergate and the Vietnam war, but don't know much
Real Men Don’t Cry
Real men don't cry; unless they watched “March For Our Lives,” the televised march of students protesting against school gun violence across the nation. The depth and beauty brought tears of joy to my eyes. The Greatest Generation 2.0 (GG2) has indeed arrived. These “kids” are indeed “our elders
The Greatest Poker Hand Ever Played
Today we are witnessing a return to isolationism which is alarming, but not without precedent. In mid-1939, Britain had escaped total defeat at Dunkirk. During this episode, Prime Minister Winston Churchill had sought help from President Roosevelt who said that he could only supply very limited help because of
Darkest Hour
Darkest Hour is a great movie and a compliment to the recent film Dunkirk. The setting was London in 1939. Britain was losing the war with Germany, and many, if not most, of the Brits, thought the war was a lost cause. Some negotiations for surrender were taking place