
Sex Is Love in Action

SENSUALITY When we were babies, most of us experienced sensual pleasures of holding and being held - hugs. Our mothers knew what science later proved, being hugged is a crucial developmental aspect of becoming a whole person. SELF-PLEASURE As we approach puberty sensuality evolves into sexuality. Many of us

Life as 24 Wheel Spokes

Some years ago, when my friends and I formed a Consciousness Center, we engaged in a variety of areas based on the reading Think and Grow Rich, Sermon on the Mount, Bhagavadgita, Buddha’s Dharmapoda, and more. Over the years, we developed a method to identify what we desire in

Politics is Love in Action

Serving The Good Of The Cause When I was a child, I was excited to be able to shovel the snow for the benefit of my dad, then subsequently, to be able to mow the lawn. The desire to be a team member is within us. In kindergarten, I

A Movie Review: A Star is Born

I loved this movie! The storyline reached reality, and it captured beautiful love scenes along with the horrors of addiction. By showing the tip of the iceberg of alcohol and drug addiction, it saved the movie.  Had they shown the reality in its fullest, it would have overpowered the

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