
Those Damn Polls!

The following includes portions of my Blog of Oct 11,2016

“Dewey beats Truman” is a headline that many of us are aware of. In 1948, Truman was considered to not have a chance. All the polls were against him. His campaign was always broke. On his whistle stop campaign, he literally ran out of money …

2018-04-23T15:21:36+00:00November 24th, 2016|

A Vote For Change At Any Price…

Voters’ frustration with the broken system in Washington led to a vote for change at any price. What will the effect be?

My guess is:

1- major tax cuts similar to 2002/3, the wealthy will get 90% of it. The masses will have to divide the remaining 10%

2- elimination of a national healthcare philosophy.

3- elimination of regulations

2018-04-23T15:21:40+00:00November 17th, 2016|

Trump And History

My goal has been to provide a bipartisan approach for our readers. Over the period time, Trump has totally disqualified himself.

Keith Olbermann’s recent video provides the insight as to my belief; yet there is significant history for us to keep in mind.

“Dewey beats Truman” is a headline that many of us are aware of. In

2018-04-23T15:21:43+00:00October 17th, 2016|

Minimum Wage

The minimum wage issue by both candidates is simply window dressing… Each trying to appease the masses. Plus, neither plan will get through the congress unless the Dems win the Senate and the Presidency.

In my book, NautiGurl, to be released in October, which I dedicated to Millennials, I point

2018-04-23T15:21:49+00:00September 26th, 2016|

A Bad Hair Day…

A BAD HAIR DAY FOR CANDIDATES??? The First Presidential Debate -2016

Anything can happen to change a race.
In the 60’s,former First Lady Rosalynn Carter reported in one of her books about a candidate for governor having a “bad hair day”, and he was favored to win.

A few days before the

2018-04-23T15:21:52+00:00September 7th, 2016|

“The Wall”

A Wall 40,000 Feet High ????

Everyone knows that a wall at the Mexican Border will never happen. It’s just theatre that the media pushes to keep their gravy train rolling. This election has probably produced multiple incomes for consultants and media when compared to previous years. In my book,

2018-04-23T15:22:27+00:00September 4th, 2016|
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