
Third Party?

Do we need a Third Party? Not today, but soon. Many of us recognize the need for a third party. But how do we get there????

The two major parties fight over the surface issues while both drink from the same poison well, making them both obsolete.

As the progressives continue to gain strength, we need to

2018-04-23T15:18:14+00:00February 8th, 2018|


Is an economic meltdown coming? And is that good or bad?

Over the last 85 years, republicans controlled the three branches of government: president, senate, and the house of representatives only 2 times until now. The previous times resulted in a meltdown: 1929 and before ushered in the Great Depression; 2001 to 2007 resulted in the

2018-04-23T15:18:22+00:00February 4th, 2018|

Infrastructure… If We Build It, They Will Come!


If we build it, they will come… How true this was in the 50s!

We had incremental tax rates of 90%+ for the wealthy; thus, we had money for infrastructure. And how did that work? We built the interstate highway system! Was it “spending” or was it a great investment?

President Eisenhower, a moderate republican, worked with

2018-04-23T15:18:32+00:00January 15th, 2018|

Deficits…Funny Money!

During the election of 1980, Ronald Reagan chastised Jimmy Carter for running up a deficit of about $40 billion. Basically, a government deficit consists of borrowing the amount of the deficit and then ‘kicking the can down the road’ for a future generation to clean up.

Within a couple years, Reagan started running up deficits of

2018-04-23T15:19:25+00:00January 12th, 2018|

Privatization…Whack a Mole!

Privatization! Drip. Drip. Drip. Another game to steal from our kids.

Often times I drive Southern California roads; and I am always grateful for our historical system of paying a tax on our gasoline to fund this infrastructure— state and federal highways and bridges. The tax which I pay when I buy gasoline is less than

2018-04-23T15:19:29+00:00January 5th, 2018|

The Myth (Lie)….Tax Cuts Create Jobs!

Since the 80s, the mantras has been that tax cuts create jobs; the reduced costs of tax will allow employers to hire more workers. But the acid test is, “did it work?”

In the 60s we had an abundance of jobs that paid well; yet, we had a maximum tax bracket of over 90%. 20 years

2018-04-23T15:19:32+00:00December 27th, 2017|
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