
Hostages On The Border

Many of us are asking why Trump has chosen to change course for border enforcement after 17 years of asylum. Over the years, people from other countries show up at our border asking for asylum because of political or personal danger within their homelands.

At the border where there are legal

2018-06-22T16:48:31+00:00June 21st, 2018|

Social InSecurity For MillennialZ

I was raised as a Republican and supported Barry Goldwater, the father of the Conservative Movement. At the time, the tax that individuals would pay for social security (SS) benefits was about 3% of income. The SS trust fund at the time had a significant surplus, but Goldwater had

2019-10-05T22:11:58+00:00June 14th, 2018|

Starve the Beast

Starve The Beast = Starve The Millennials

Chris Mathews, an NBC anchor, has asked from time to time where all the political hatred came from. He should know since he was an aide to Former Speaker of The House, Tip O’Neill, who worked closely with President Ronald Reagan on many issues.  There is no

2018-06-14T18:13:39+00:00June 14th, 2018|

Paid Not To Work?


How absurd! The Capitalists will go crazy. Of course, but they seemed to love it when they were paid not to work – namely during the Great Depression of the 30s. During that depression, farmers had produced so much food that the market prices plunged, a classic supply and demand

2018-06-06T16:28:18+00:00June 4th, 2018|

Adventures in Gratitude

I recall a friend giving a blessing before dinner, “ bless this food, bless the farmer who grew it, bless our host who prepared it,” and more.

The vision I created was that one farmer grew the basket of food and somehow it was shipped to our table. I started to expand

2019-11-26T00:23:24+00:00June 1st, 2018|

The Millennial Gene: Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle is a millennial changing the world. Duchess Meghan has the “Millennial gene” that so many of our Millennials and Z-generation hold. The only debate is whether she’s a true Millennial; some folks say the cutoff is 1980, other say 1984. So what, she’s got the gene! No doubt, her marriage into

2018-05-25T19:36:37+00:00May 25th, 2018|
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