Millennials, Greatest Generation 2.0
"This generation has a rendezvous with destiny," said President Franklin Roosevelt, referring to the generation that evolved from the Great Depression of the 1930s into World War II; and which Tom Brokaw referred to as "The Greatest Generation." The Millennials also have a rendezvous with destiny. They will inherit
Political Sway
Today, the pendulum has been swinging away from Trump toward Clinton. But, keep in mind that in 1980, Reagan was down about 17 points at about the same time and Bush (41) was also far behind in 1988. Also, follow the money! The media has a vested interest in
Politics-Who Stole The Show?
Compared to the changes in the GOP, over the last 80 years, the flavor hasn't changed much for Democrats. (See blog two).Their basic democratic concepts are to support the average citizen and the unions along with the small farmers. Also, their goal is to preserve the environment along with
Follow The Money
In my book, NautiGurl, one of my characters regularly says,"follow the money", a phrase popularized in the days of Watergate. As to Trump, he's a financial light-weight compared to the Bush Family machine. In addition, he has been delinquent as to building a good ground game. Thus, the big