Is There Hope for Progressives ?
During the campaign, Hillary proposed funding $250 billion for infrastructure. Then, Trump raised the ante to $500. Recently, in his meeting with Obama, he was talking in terms of $1 trillion, which is still short of our $17 trillion deficiency. Trump reiterated a constant democratic issue: if we will
Those Damn Polls!
The following includes portions of my Blog of Oct 11,2016 "Dewey beats Truman" is a headline that many of us are aware of. In 1948, Truman was considered to not have a chance. All the polls were against him. His campaign was always broke. On his whistle stop campaign,
A Vote For Change At Any Price…
Voters' frustration with the broken system in Washington led to a vote for change at any price. What will the effect be? My guess is: 1- major tax cuts similar to 2002/3, the wealthy will get 90% of it. The masses will have to divide the remaining 10% 2-
Trump And History
My goal has been to provide a bipartisan approach for our readers. Over the period time, Trump has totally disqualified himself. Keith Olbermann's recent video provides the insight as to my belief; yet there is significant history for us to keep in mind. "Dewey beats Truman" is a headline