Impeachment – On Guard!
Impeachment is a long shot! First, it requires a majority vote of the House of Representatives. One problem is that the majority are republicans. It's an uphill battle. If the House were to impeach the so-called-president, then it goes to the senate which will requires a 67% vote from
The North Korean Conflict
Near the end of a World War II, (Feb 1945) at the Yalta summit, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin agreed to a plan to carve up the world… borders were reset, even as far away as South America. Nationalist China and France were part of the victors. At Potsdam six
Rejoicing in Wonder Woman the Avatar
For starters...I thought the acting was excellent. On a deeper level, I enjoyed the tying in of Greek mythology and the tribal community with World War One. For me, the main character, Diana, is the Avatar that saves the world during World War One, with the climax being the defeat of
A Closer Look at the Electoral College
The Electoral College Method of Selecting Our President Is Still a Mystery to Many of Us How it works! Each state is allocated 'Electors' (persons who actually cast the final vote for president), one for each congressional district and one for each senator. Most of the states mandate that the