Is an economic meltdown coming? And is that good or bad? Over the last 85 years, republicans controlled the three branches of government: president, senate, and the house of representatives only 2 times until now. The previous times resulted in a meltdown: 1929 and before ushered in the Great Depression;
Infrastructure… If We Build It, They Will Come!
If we build it, they will come… How true this was in the 50s! We had incremental tax rates of 90%+ for the wealthy; thus, we had money for infrastructure. And how did that work? We built the interstate highway system! Was it “spending” or was it a great
Deficits…Funny Money!
During the election of 1980, Ronald Reagan chastised Jimmy Carter for running up a deficit of about $40 billion. Basically, a government deficit consists of borrowing the amount of the deficit and then ‘kicking the can down the road’ for a future generation to clean up. Within a couple
Privatization…Whack a Mole!
Privatization! Drip. Drip. Drip. Another game to steal from our kids. Often times I drive Southern California roads; and I am always grateful for our historical system of paying a tax on our gasoline to fund this infrastructure— state and federal highways and bridges. The tax which I pay