Skin In The Game of Health Care: Part III
When I was nominated for Congress in 2004, I developed a bipartisan national medical plan. It didn't get legs for various reasons - one being that it may have been too wonky with too many numbers. Yet, we have to remember there are two kinds of numbers; one of
A Face “Book” Review: ZUCKED
An Insider's View Regarding the Monopolies of Facebook, Google, and much more. This is the real deal and hot off the press in the year 2019, by Roger McNamee.Roger had been an insider starting in the early '80s when his first job in the securities world had him analyzing technology
Medical Expense & Insecurity: Part II
We spend about $4 on medial services for every $20 that we spend. How can that be? One way of looking at things is what my CPA says, "First, let's look at it from 50,000 feet high." Thus when we look at our medical expenses from the point of
The Sinking of The Cities
In my past writings, my memory triggered other events from my past.Ron may have saved my life. In the late 70's I had an airplane and was able to fly from the West Coast to Atlanta to supervise a property I managed. It would typically take two days, and I